We are Equity & Inclusion Consultants

We uplift the capabilities of individuals and organisations for a more equitable and inclusive society.

The social challenges we see today require systematic solutions grounded in the needs and voices of the community we exist for.


Executive Ambassador


What Clients Are Saying

Alexandra Tullio
CEO Financial Executive Women

“Abiola has been a guest and expert on several panels for the FEWConnect and Progress live stream series for Financial Executive Women. Her thoughtful and considered insights, coupled with her lived experience and her passion for women, community, equity and inclusion make her a powerful and compelling voice. The impact she has on our community each time she speaks has been profound. Abiola is an inspirational woman, and I can't recommend her highly enough. ”

Kon Karapanagiotidis
OAM (CEO & Founder, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre ASRC)

"Abiola was one of the most outstanding leaders that I have ever employed and managed at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. An incredible leader of integrity and purpose. I cannot recommend her highly enough to any organization who wants to be intentional in transforming their organization to be more inclusive, representative, impactful and relevant."